Saturday 30 May 2015

Lexie Presman - "I can't wait to be back competing!”

Lexie was kind enough to speak with me and agreed to answer some questions for my first posting on WOGymnastikA .
I allowed gymternet users from Tumblr
and Twitter to submit questions and
chose some to include in this interview,

so these questions are a mix of my own
and fan questions. Lexie's answers here
are in her own words and have only
been edited for typos, grammar and
Lexie was free to choose not to answer
any questions that she couldn't or was
uncomfortable with and was kind and
open enough to answer almost every
question I asked her, although there
were a few things she could not share
yet. I thank Lexie for the time she took to respond to my questions and the
thoughtfulness with which she answered them.

ALSO SEE :14 Things you need to know before deciding to become an Olympic Athlete - Aly Raisman (Olympic gold medalist )

Leigh: How is training going and how are you recovering from your injury?

LP: Training is going amazing! I've been
working very hard on staying fit and
conditioning non-stop! I have
recovered from all my surgeries very
well! Taking it day by day!

Leigh: We haven’t seen you compete since Classics 2013 and so many of us can’t wait to see you back in action! Can you tell us when we might see you back in competition?

LP: Right now my focus is on getting
healthy! I can say, “I can't wait to be
back competing!”

Leigh: I know that you’ve been working
with Enrique for a long time, but any
gym switch, even when it’s with a coach
you’ve known and worked with for
years, is an adjustment. After working
with Mary Lee as your head coach for so long, how has the switch to Perfection from CGA worked out for you? Is it weird training without Amelia Hundley since you were together for so long?

LP: It was hard for me to leave CGA, a
gym I was [with] for 13 years that [was]
my second home and second family, but
I needed a change and had to do what
was best for me! I will forever and
always thank Mary Lee for everything
she did for me because she did make me the athlete I am today and taught me many life lessons! She really is a
wonderful coach; I just needed a change
for myself! Perfection is truly amazing! I have been through a lot but they have
helped me through all my injuries and
have supported all my decisions! I
couldn't be more thankful to be able to
spend my senior year with such a great
group of people!
Enrique and Luke have really been
great! They have [gotten] me on a great
track mentally through all this and have
created nothing but a positive
atmosphere here at PGS! I love it so
much! Leaving Amelia was the hardest
thing! We have stayed in touch and hang
out as much as we can! Nothing ever will get between our friendship, no matter the distance between us! We are the definition of BEST FRIENDS and I can't thank her enough for also supporting all my decisions!

Leigh: Can you tell us what you’re
working on skill-wise in the gym? There
have been some videos floating around
of you working some whip to double
tucks and some double doubles on the
tumble track. Can you tell use anything
about how you are progressing in your
tumbling after your ankle injury and
any training on the other events?

LP: I have had two ankle surgeries and a shoulder surgery! I also tore my labrum, so I haven't swung bars for a while! My ankle is healing up. I do have problems here and there with it, but it will take time to get all the way back after [having] a bunch of screws put in and taken out! I have been doing a lot of
tumble track work and doing whips into
double backs, double layouts, double
doubles, and triple doubles because I
can't use my arm yet on the back
handspring! But everything is coming
together slowly but surely!

Leigh: What event(s) come most easily to you and what event(s) do you have to
work for more?

LP: Floor and vault come very easily to
me! I will chuck anything someone asks
me to! I may not land it,  but I would go
for just about anything! Beam is a
struggle  for me. I am now using beam
shoes because at one point I had cellulitis [due to] cracks on my toes, so I have to wear [them] to protect myself from getting that again! Bars when I was younger was very difficult for me. I
could never figure out how to do much!
As I got older I could finally figure out
how to swing better [instead of] muscling everything!

Leigh: What do you think of the FIG’s
new 4 person Olympic team rule for

LP: Honestly, I hate to see it go to 4
people! I already thought 5 was crazy! I
guess it just kind of stinks when you
work so hard and they only take 4 girls! I hate to see other girls work just as hard and fall a little short of making the team. It makes me sad for them!

Leigh: What made you choose LSU and
what are you most looking forward to
about competing there?

LP: I absolutely loved the campus! The
coaching staff is amazing and the girls
work so well together! I am so happy to
join such a great place!

Leigh: What motivates you to push
through the recovery process for major

LP: Everyone around me! All my coaches, teammates, fans and most of all family!
Everyone is so supportive of me! I
always try my best to keep a positive
attitude and work through everything
with a smile! My motto throughout all
this is, "Everything happens for a
reason." I truly believe it does!

Leigh: Can you describe for us your
relationship with Enrique and what kind of coach he is?

LP: Enrique has really helped me get
through this rough patch! I couldn't ask
for a better person to coach me my
senior year!  Since he coached me when
I was a TOPs kid, he and I have had a
great coach-athlete relationship! He has
always been so positive and is always
making sure I am happy doing [what] I
love to do! He loves helping all his
athletes and I'm happy to say he has
helped me tremendously! I can't thank
him enough for standing by my side
through all of these injuries!

Leigh: What is your ultimate goal for

LP: My 2015 goal is to get healthy and
keep working hard!

Leigh: Who are the people in your
support system and how important are
they to your success as an athlete?

LP: My family, Amelia, and her mom
Sharon are my biggest supporters! They
have been through every up and down
with me and they have been the best
motivators and have helped [me] to
never give up! Enrique and Luke are
also huge supporters [and] without them I wouldn't [have] gotten through all of this! It's been a crazy ride this past year and they have supported me, motivated me, pushed me, and have made me believe in myself more! They have made my senior year amazing! Also Mary Lee;
I was with her for so long and she really
did help me through a lot! She helped me become the athlete I am today and I
thank her for everything she has done
for me!

Leigh: Your 2013 FX routine (so sad we
only got to see it in competition once) is
a huge fan favorite on the gymternet.
Have you gotten a new one
choreographed since then and if so, can
you tell us anything about the music and/ or choreography?

LP: I loved that routine also! I did get a
new routine and it's tango music! It's
serious and also fun!

Leigh: Are there any current or former
gymnasts from other countries that you

LP: I admire every athlete from every
country because I know how much work
they put into the sport they love. I love
watching athletes succeed at what they
work hours for every day!

Leigh: What is it like having so many
fans and a presence on social media? Is
it weird for you, or is it a mostly positive experience?

LP: It's so fun having little girls
messaging me and asking me gymnastics questions and sometimes even life questions! I try my best to get back to everyone because I love seeing little ones that look up to me! It's such a positive experience and I will always appreciate all the messages I get!

Leigh : Can you tell us what a typical day in your life is like right now?

LP: Well, my family is always busy! Like
Amelia says, my family should have a
reality show called Keeping Up with the
Priessmans. Every morning, I wake up
and head to the gym from 7:30-11:30
and in between practices during the
school year I did all my school work!
Now that I am done with school, I will
either go shopping, go to therapy, or just
relax! Then I have practice again from
3:30-6:30 and after that I go home and
get ready for the next day! I usually have to watch a episode of Full House before I go to bed!

Leigh: What has been your favorite
competition of your career?

LP: My favorite competitions have been
the Nastia Cup and Pacific Rims! They
are two meets that have meant a lot to
me and were so much fun to compete at!

Leigh: What is your favorite place you've traveled to over the course of your gymnastics career?

LP: My favorite place has been Japan! It
was such a fun experience and by far my favorite!

Leigh: What do you consider the biggest
accomplishment of your career?

LP: I would have to say, the biggest
accomplishment for me in my career is
winning the 2012 Jr. US Championships!
It meant a lot to me because I knew I
prepared so well, but most importantly, I had fun competing!

Leigh: What do you think gymnastics fans would be surprised to know about you?

LP: I think a lot of people would be
surprised to know that when I was born
I was 4lbs and wasn't a very healthy
baby! I am a twin and my twin sister
took everything from me! But I do still
love her!

WOGymnastikA .

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