Saturday 21 March 2015


Come up with a stretching plan
Like anything else, you need a gameplan to
succeed. And like anything else, the more you
practice, the better you'll get. If you're a gymnast
on an organized team you probably already have
a flexibility plan that's part of your workout.

Pick a time and a place to stretch, and do it every
day. Even if you only go through those three key
stretches above -- which should only take five to
10 minutes -- you'll notice a huge improvement in
your overall flexibility
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just by adding that one stretch session a day.
Many gymnasts feel tightest in the morning, so
you may want to stretch in the afternoon or at
night. Sneak it in while you watch TV or read, or
use it as relaxation, and try to breathe slowly and
clear your

Make a calendar or chart
Mark off every day that you stretch, so you'll feel
accountable. Treat yourself to a reward once
you've stretched every day for a week... for a
month...for a year. And like any other goal, it'll
help to record your progress. "Being more
flexible" is a hard goal to monitor, but you
probably have a very specific target in mind too. If
you want to get your center split to 180 degrees,
write that down on your calendar, so you
remember why you're sticking with it. Once a
week, measure how close you are to a full split,
and write that down too. The more you can make
overall flexibility a specific goal, the more likely
you are to succeed.
Go beyond static stretching
You'll want to check with your coach first, but if he
or she okays it, there are a few techniques that go
beyond traditional, static stretches that can
greatly aid your flexibility. Just be careful with
these -- don't push too hard and be sure that your
body is nice and warmed up. It's easier to injure
yourself with techniques that go beyond static
Kicks: If you're looking to improve flexibility in
your splits, try doing kicks holding onto the
kitchen counter or end of the couch. Kick as high
as you can comfortably go, keeping good form
and square hips
Jumps: Do sets of split and straddle jumps on a
trampoline or Tumbl Trak. Try five in a row, and
work up from there. Make your jumps as high as
possible, with good clean form
Resist, then release: Position yourself in a
stretch -- a split, for example. Now lift up a little
bit and tense the muscles in your legs
downward, pushing against the floor. Hold for
10 seconds, then release, and you should be
able to slide further into your split. Repeat
several times.

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