Friday 9 October 2015

A Letter From Cheng Fei' Father To Her - Chinese Gymnastics

Fei, how are you?

The last time I wrote to you was 20 years ago. After all these years, now that I put my pen down, I feel as if there are too many words to be said, yet I’m unsure of what to say. When you were young, I put you in gymnastics school and was strict about your training, but I hope you’d understand your father—in the beginning, I just wanted you to have a healthy body, and then, I wanted you to not give up and achieve something great.

You left the family at six, seven years old to train in Wuhan. Maybe you don’t realize, but your mom and I, we were heartbroken. You were so small, and who wouldn’t want their daughters to stay by their side? Especially when back then, getting around was not so easy. I had to take an eight-hour boat ride every time just to see you, and your mom, she would stay up all night because she was unable to sleep, anxious to hear any news about you.
Now, transportation has gotten so much better. You are in Wuhan, and we are in Huangshi, but we still hope you’d be able to come home often to see us. Because you are an athlete, training and competing everywhere, as your father, I couldn’t be with you every step of the way as you grew up. I’ve always felt guilty. Now, whenever there’s time and opportunity, I always hope to keep you company. You’ve transitioned into the honorable career path of a teacher, and your mom and I are both very happy for you. We hope that you can look back on your experiences and treasure those memories. We also hope that you will be a great teacher; we don’t hope for further glory in terms of your career, only that you complete each task to the best of your abilities.
Your mom and I are both growing old, so we hope you find a good husband, one that will be good to you and nothing else really matters; one that will make your life better.
Lastly, I wanted to tell you, I am extremely proud of you from the bottom of my heart.
Love, Dad.

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