Vanessa Ferrari (Italy)
Ferrari was the Italian women's top finisher at the 2013 and 2014 worlds. She placed sixth all-around, second on floor exercise and fourth on balance beam in 2013; and sixth all-around and fifth on floor exercise in 2014. Italy finished fifth in the team final at the 2014 worlds.
Casella said that, with or without Ferrari, the Italian team will be strong in Glasgow.
"The goal for the Italian team is to be in the top eight in Glasgow," said Casella, who coaches Ferrari at his club in Brixia. "We recovered some important girls in this period so I have more ‘arrows' to use."
The top eight teams in Glasgow will advance to next summer's Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro; four additional teams will earn berths to Rio at a test competition early next year.
Casella said the Italian team will be finalized after a quadrangular meet amongst Italy, Romania, Spain and Belgium that Italy will host in Novara on October 10.
Although Casella said the October 10 meet will be "decisive" in determining Italy's team for Glasgow, Ferrari is looking ahead to next year.
"The goal for Vanessa is Rio 2016, of course," Casella told IG.
International Gymnast magazine's recent coverage of Italian gymnastics includes:
"Taming Fame" – Carlotta Ferlito interview (January/February 2014)
"Vintage Ferrari" – Ferrari/Casella interviews (December 2013)
"Refueling Ferrari" – Ferrari/Casella interviews (December 2009)
"Change for the Better" – feature on IG's visit to Brixia club (January/February 2009)
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